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Organizing and holding conferences and workshops is central to CoF's work. They are aimed at an international public, and may deal either with highly specific topics or with wide-ranging questions associated with the theme of corporate governance. Discussion will bring together prominent figures from the academic, business and investing worlds; findings arrived at will be formulated jointly and subsequently published.

The most important event for the issuing companies is the annual general meeting - it is their highest body and the locus of public involvement of the owners/shareholder: the platform of CORPORATE GOVERNANCE.

www.vip-cg.com - AGM Agenda contains a regularly updated list of the European AGM-dates.

P.zza di Bellosguardo 9a 50124 Firenze, Italia - tel.+39 055 2309093 fax +39 055 2309028 - e-mail: info@cofcg.eu