Brigitte Biehl - Frankfurt University, Department of Theatre-, Film and Media Studies THE GENERAL MEETING AS PERFORMANCE BE-TWEEN THEATRE AND MANAGEMENT
Analysis of the Staging of Annual General Meetings of Stock Market Companies Frankfurt am Main, 2004-07-02
Research subject is the Performance of CEOs in face-to-face contact with investors on Annual General Meetings, Press Conferences and Analyst Meetings.
Christian Strenger - Member of the Supervisory Board of DWS Investment GmbH, Frankfurt
Member of the German CG-Commission, President of ICGN - International CG AKTUELLE CORPORTE GOVERNANCE-FRAGEN IN DER WIRTSCHAFTSPRÃFUNG: DIE SICHT DES KAPITALMARKTES Humboldt Universität Berlin - Forum Nr. 108 - may 9th 2005, 2005-08-02
Universität Hamburg - Fakultät für Wirtschaft Prof. Dr. Alexander Bassen und Dr. Christine Zöllner
Ethical compliance in Asset Management Industry Hamburg/Florence, 2010-07-05