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Best practice of corporate governance is more than complying with a number of rules and recommendations that usually vary from country to country.

Practicing good corporate governance is first of all a question of mind-set, a way of thinking and acting.

The understanding of the importance of being a model, the declaration and recognition of values and their cultural genesis, the coherency between words and actions, the acknowledgement of national differences and limits, the courage of having an opinion and the willingness - if expedient - to negotiate it are only some of the ingredients of this specific attitude.

Practicing good corporate governance today means to consider the company in all its facets, thinking globally and taking care of all workers and employees, of the social and the geographical environments and impacts, of the shareholders, the clients, the product, the present, the future and so forth.

Practicing good corporate governance is a matter of ethical standing, of sustainability, of responsibility and of respect for all stakeholders, without any exception. Cross-cultural competencies are obviously a sine qua non.

The aspiration of COF - Coaching is to support organizations and individuals to improve their corporate governance practice, passing from a standard understanding of leadership to a good or even excellent comprehension and challenging their ability to govern the complexity of their responsibilities on a worldwide scale.

P.zza di Bellosguardo 9a 50124 Firenze, Italia - tel.+39 055 2309093 fax +39 055 2309028 - e-mail: info@cofcg.eu